Friday 10 April 2015

Tips to enjoy your first reflexology session

Stress and anxiety are two major causes of today’s illnesses such as headaches, backache, constipation, IBS and insomnia. There are many patients suffering from such diseases because of their lifestyle and they only end up having lots of tablets in their stomach every day – I would say this is the worst feeling ever as these medicines just worsen the situation. Many of us are looking for alternative ways to heal their mind and body and to rejuvenate their selves – I know many of us heard about reflexology and honestly, it is not new in multi-cultural countries like Dubai, but it is equally true that many of us have no idea how beneficial they can be. Moreover, many of us have no idea how we can enjoy the benefits of reflexology in the hectic life of Dubai. Here are some very important benefits one can get from a reflexology session with the comfort of home.

Quick mood lifter

If you are feeling low, hyper, angry, disappointed or stressed, you can boost your mood easily with the help of reflexology – simply bring the endocrine system back to balance by working on the reflex for the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. To activate these reflexes simply massage both of your thumbs or toes slowly. This area can be sensitive, but gentle regular massaging strokes can do the job – simply focus on the widest part of the thumb or toe.

Bring back the energy:

If you are a victim of Blue Monday or partied hard or generally feeling lethargic, low on energy, you can simply bring back your energy by activating adrenal glands. To do this, you need to focus on the areas on the feet or hands that connect to the adrenal glands, which are the inner/middle sides of hands or feet. This will help you in various ways such as regulate the metabolism, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and also heal the sluggish intestines.

Stay alert:

To boost the mental health or simply living in the moment, reflexology can do this too and within a few minutes. To do this simply moves your fingers around the base of your big toe or thumb. The focus on this reflex will help you in losing weight, rapid heartbeat, nervousness, dry skin and to control cholesterol levels. This reflex is known as third ovary and known to have a high influence on women’s health.

Keep stress at bay:

Are you dealing with stress, tension (physical or emotional) reflexology has one solution for you as well. Simply massage the reflexes which co-relates to your nervous system – to do this simply roll your finger over the tips of your toes and massage the inside of your foot – this will release the tension on the spine, and helps in reducing pain linked with PMS, constipation and headache. The reason is a spinal cord is responsible for sending millions of messages back and forth between the body and the brain while the spinal nerves connect to the body’s organs, structures, and glands. And a tension on these muscles or ligaments will cause pressure, which will further lead to stress.

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