Western medicine perceives the human body as a victim where good and bad bacteria are fighting for their survival. Contrary to this human body is a combination various complex systems that are integrated well and when one system is affected others are also infected. This is making diagnosing a disease really difficult for western medicine, because it examines the present condition and do not go into the deep. While a disease can be a reflection of the patient’s lifestyle, energies, beliefs and diet – in fact, in most cases, lifestyle often causes dangerous health disorders. For example, if a person is suffering from chronic stress since long, but he visits a doctor for hypertension only, a physician will only treat hypertension treatment and miss the chronic stress, and at the end nothing will be treated because the doctor did not treat the root cause.
Therefore, to treat a health disorder, it is really important to diagnose the root cause of disease. Moreover, the human body is designed to heal itself provided the appropriate support to do this job. There are different traditional methods that are being practiced for centuries, such as Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda; both of them are based on all natural concepts of treating different health conditions. Reflexology Dubai is one such treatment, widely practiced in TCM (Traditional Chinese medicines), and used to stimulate the reflex points (energy points) to treat chronic diseases such as anxiety, stress, joint pain, asthma, etc.
Reflex treatment is used to eliminate disease causing toxins from the body using specific hand movements often called as massage. According to Hering Law (American homeopath) reflexology massage treatment is described as: “the natural healing of body organs, visible symptoms which evolves from inside to the outside, from top to bottom, and from past to present”. This is the way, reflexology massages are designed to treat different kind of body aches, and disorders. Reflexology is widely used in Asia as a preventive method to treat different types of chronic diseases. The benefit of using reflexology as chronic disease treatment can bring lots of health benefits to a human body such as:
Therefore, to treat a health disorder, it is really important to diagnose the root cause of disease. Moreover, the human body is designed to heal itself provided the appropriate support to do this job. There are different traditional methods that are being practiced for centuries, such as Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda; both of them are based on all natural concepts of treating different health conditions. Reflexology Dubai is one such treatment, widely practiced in TCM (Traditional Chinese medicines), and used to stimulate the reflex points (energy points) to treat chronic diseases such as anxiety, stress, joint pain, asthma, etc.
Reflexology to cure chronic diseases:
Reflex treatment is used to eliminate disease causing toxins from the body using specific hand movements often called as massage. According to Hering Law (American homeopath) reflexology massage treatment is described as: “the natural healing of body organs, visible symptoms which evolves from inside to the outside, from top to bottom, and from past to present”. This is the way, reflexology massages are designed to treat different kind of body aches, and disorders. Reflexology is widely used in Asia as a preventive method to treat different types of chronic diseases. The benefit of using reflexology as chronic disease treatment can bring lots of health benefits to a human body such as:
- It can reduce stress and anxiety, even can treat chronic stress and bring relaxation.
- Many diseases are caused by poor circulation and with the help of reflexology massages (where the therapist stimulates reflexes in the hands and feet) blood circulation can be improved. This will help in treating the severity of chronic diseases.
- It will help the body’s ability to flush toxins (core reason of various diseases), and revitalized the body. Also it strengthens the immune systems, and increases its ability to fight against diseases.
- It will restore the body’s equilibrium, its energy and bring back its state of wellness.
It will restore the natural functioning of all systems, and help patients in reducing the symptoms of chronic diseases such as Headaches, Arthritis, Migraines, back pain, Bronchitis, Heart problems, chronic pain, blood pressure, fatigue, diabetes, sciatica and PMS symptoms.
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